We are direct buyers.

You might have spent years building your company and now is the time to change hands. 

Pass on the Baton to the next generation. Let your business legacy lives …..

Is it time to sell my business?

It All Depends

The answer depends upon your personal situation and the environment business operates. You might have spent years building your company and now may be the time to step aside from the major aspects of it and prepare your business for a sale. If you are burned out, lost the excitement, lack direction or business took a toll on your relationship with partners, family members, and wanted to give control to someone who can keep the lights on and find new directions that align with your vision, we would be your ideal choice to carry on your business legacy. Every business starts with a story and tell us your story. We are interested to know. 

The process can take months to come into fruition. There might be so much details to be agreed upon before signing the deal. Each business sale is unique and the details might be different. There is no cookie cutter way of purchase agreement drafting. Sometimes creativity is needed in the whole process because of the uniqueness involved in it. We only deal with few acquisitions at a time and will not move onto a new one until we make the determination on the current business acquisition that we are working on. A smooth transition of ownership will take 2 to 3 years. So start the process early on. 

You and your staff will have the option to continue to work with us either as an employee or consultant based upon mutually agreed terms and conditions and within the parameters of applicable lender requirements and laws. It’s my intention to keep your information confidential during our discussion stage. Call or text me with your confidential information at 281-919-3521. Rest assured.